Zofia Dash 3_0

Lots of new changes.

Bug Fixes

  • A moving block pushing you upwards onto a one way-platform will no longer kill you, but will push you onto the one way platform
  • Fixed a "bug" where dashing kept your vertical velocity, making horizontal dashes hard to control. now dashes are purely horizontal

Map Changes

This is a pretty long list.

  • Chilly Fields:
    • Added small changes to the 2nd room
    • Added QoL platforms in the underground area
    • Raised the ceiling thorns in the underground area
    • Added an extra platform in the final room
  • Chilly Fields Fr*nch:
    • Changed the distance between dash and jump power ups to allow smoother dashing
    • extended a few platforms for QoL
  • Outer Walls:
    • Fixed a camera bug that made the Upper wall region camera twitch
  • Outer Walls Fr*nch:
    • Changed the arrangement of thorn pillars in the auto-scroller room
    • Added platforms in the lift room
  • Slime Castle:
    • Added more furniture to the end
    • removed a slime floor in the main hallway
    • Removed some slime from the green button room

New Features

Assist mode

Assist mode slows the game down to 70% of normal speed to help make the game easier if necessary. no other feature other than game speed is affected. clicking on assist mode button again returns the game to normal speed


GL_Build_3_0.zip Play in browser
Aug 20, 2023

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